I would like to help you… see the beauty of lace crochet, learn how to create lace crochet, learn about the fascinating history of crochet lace, and find crocheted patterns.

I am really good at… dabbling in many different things, hence the name of this blog. Mostly artistic type things though, which is why I keep coming back to crochet the most! I learned as a kid from my grandmother but have never ventured beyond creating blankets & throws with a few adventures in amigurumi. I have been wanting to expand my portfolio to wearables and improve my crochet lace skills to turn some designs I have had piling up in my head into actual physical items.

“That dress is beautiful. You are an amazing crocheter.”

I gifted her daughter my first finished crocheted garment that inspired me to want to learn how to create patterns professionally.

For fun, here are a few things about me.

  1. I was born in Mexico.
  2. My family is my world and I’ll do anything for them.
  3. I love sleeping in as late as possible.
  4. Please don’t talk to me before a delicious morning cup of coffee.
  5. I would rather have a maid than a private chef.
  6. I’m crazy insecure and attempt to hide it well.
  7. I am a night owl and a procrastinator at heart. (It’s hard work mentally to not let those take over my life daily.)
  8. I am a halfway decent plant parent.
  9. I homeschool my children and love learning with them. 
  10. Baked goodies speak to my soul.